Thursday, November 19, 2020


OPEN LETTER TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN IN NIGERIA #En...:   OPEN LETTER TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN IN NIGERIA #EndSWATNow #EndSARS #EndBadGoveranceInNigeria     God has seen all your efforts don’t b...

Friday, October 23, 2020


God has seen all your efforts don’t be trouble. It is well with your souls, the injured & the souls of the fallen Be of good courage #Nigerianyouth, when the wicked are prospering in their way they often think they are smart little did they know that they are part of God’s (grand plan that is coming through by Rascal Flatts) 
You meant if for good, they meant it for evil, God meant it for good. He was aware of everything b4 it happened & he permitted it so that they can be snared in it. Gen 50:20 Said “But as for you, you meant evil against me; but God meant it for good, in order to bring it about as it is this day, to save many people alive” 
Every single minute of your protest is a seed that will surely yield fruit, what went down on Tuesday, the souls that fell will surely yield fruit. It is an acceptable offering & sacrifice before the Lord God of host, it shall move him to anger against the perpetrators. Hold your peace. 
Acts 2:17 quoted Joel 2:28 and afterward, I will pour out My Spirit on all people. Your sons and daughters will prophesy, your old men will dream dreams, your young men will see visions. Oya let the spirit of the move upon all flesh in #Nigeria 
 Psalm 9:16 The LORD is known by the judgment which he executed: the wicked is snared in the work of his own hands. The wicked is snared by the transgression of his lips: but the just shall come out of trouble Proverbs 12:13 
Daniel 4: 17 ‘This decision is by the decree of the watchers, And the sentence by the word of the holy ones, In order that the living may know That the Most High rules in the kingdom of men, Gives it to whomever He will, And sets over it the lowest of men.’ 
Straight up from the throne of God almighty, it is seal stamp and delivered & nothing can change it. SHALOM. KOFOWOROLA

Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Poem : My Body

By body how precious are thou to me my body
My body thou at my real home
My body my universe
My body my existence
My body my living
My body the reasons for been human  
My body can not be bought
My body can not be own
My body cannot be left behind
My body is me

I love my body, my body, the only thing I have and I could really call mine  the only vessel that feels what I feels
the only vessel that feels what my soul and spirit  feels.

My body thou container of my soul and spirit
my body how precious are thou to me please do not fail me now.

I could call my mum mine
I could call my dad mine
I could call brothers and sisters mine
I could called my relatives mine
I could call my friends mine
I could call my lovers mine
I could call my personal belongings, achievements, success mine but all these can’t be with out my body;
all can be taken away from me either my nature or by circumstances

So long all these could walk away from me they can turn their backs on me

Only thou my body is mine till my existence it no more
The day I turn my back on my body; and the day my body turn its back on me, the end of my existence.
Oh thou my body give me more time to cherish and love thee

So long am living all things could be taken from me only one thing my body. My body could only be taken from me when I dies and I can be taken from my body when its dies
If I die I die with my body if my body dies I die with it
If I grow old my bodies grow old; if my body grows old I grow old
If I fee pain my body feel pain with me, if my body feels pain I feels pain with it
There can not be me with out my body and my body can not be with out me
Oh thou my body how precious are you to me

My body precious at thou to me I never wanna over use thee I never wanna treat thee like trash I never wanna give thee to the wrong persons/lovers.

Any where I go I go with my body my body goes with me
Anything I do I do with my body my body does with me
Anything I love I love with my body my body loves with me
Anything I hate I hate with my body my body hates with me
Anything I feel, I feel with my body; my body feels with me. 
O thou mine body I precious are thou to me

My body thou are priceless I can not share thee aimlessly
I can not share my body for fame
I can not share my body for money
I can not share my body for anything of this world
I will share my body only for the things of eternity
I will share my body for love real love deep down from my heart ;)
Blessed/special at thou when I share my body with thee :)

The precious gift from the creator my human body
Ho how I love thee my body its breaks my heart when I remember thou are not gonna be mine forever because thou are mortal 
Its breaks my heart to remember someday I will be taken away from my body and my body will be taken away from me

Ho how I love thee my body how I cherish thee so<3

By  Aky. ARS

Love my baby by Wizkid (Lyrics)

Tuesday, January 3, 2012

My Dream Guy/man

My dream man
Brief introduction of me 
Since I see myself as an unusually creature that’s living among human’s I see myself as very different. don’t get it twisted I don’t mean I am better than any other creature (human). Or I am prettier as the matter of fact I am not pretty I don’t see myself as pretty at all But in terms of want, likes, thinking etc I am very different from any other person I love fantasies; I love imaginations, I love free spirit, I love to leave in a harmless world, world where every one mind his/her business; world where there is no hatred, killing, death, anger, negativity, disasters, lack, hunger, thirst; a world where no one seek for the down fall of another etc a perfect evil free world.
My dream man 
He must also see me as his dream girl too.
Must be loving – I am tough but very loving 
He must be Tall at least than me :) - I am 5ft 2inchs tall
Kind heart-ed – I am kind heated + fragile heart-ed
Not afraid to share/say his opinion – I like people to tell me when I am wrong but with love.
He Should be very conscious about his appearance, weight  – despite the fact that there is no perfection in life; in terms of human body I love to chase perfection I love to chase shadows, in the areas of physical appearance, I care a lot about physical appearance and I am naturally attracted to guys that pay attention to their appearance. Hey, no over do. Its doesn’t mean I want you to spend all you have on look but at least the clean and spotless lol. That what I mean by perfection.

He should not be afraid to cry there is no such thing as “men don’t cry in my dictionary I love him to be fragile no ‘suck it up, with me, no ‘be a man’ with me. In my world men are allow to cry. It’s very sexy to me when guys cry and you pet them to stop crying.
I love it when he is into music, sing, plays any form/type of musical instrument or theater acts work in entertainment in one way or another – I love Music, sweet sound, imaginations/fantasies, dance
Must modified his words towards me no abusive worlds
Must tell me when I am wrong or offend him – I will hold nothing back.
Must not be abusive in any way physically, emotionally or psychologically.
Must not keep grudge against me – I will never do that to him.
Most not referred/make reference to my past mistakes against him – if he does he has not really forgiven me.
Most be very sensitive to my emotions – because I will be sensitive to his too
Most be very encouraging and supportive – I am very supportive
Most not be jealous of me and my dreams – I will never be jealous of his achievement.
:) <3 .