Wednesday, July 31, 2024

Tea My Style

Tea My Style

There are many ways of making tea across the world, the different ways and recipe of making tea depends on the individuals cultures, and believes however, this is one of my style of making tea


Fresh ginger clean and gritted.
Fresh citrus leaf
Fresh Tulsi leaves also called Holy Basil its slightly similar to efinrin that is scent leave but not efinrin
You can add other herbs and spices of choice as long as they won't cancel out one another

Black Tea of choice

Milk of Choice
Honey, sugar or sweetener of choice
and of cause
Water and pot to cook the tea

Pour the fresh cleaned and gritted ginger into the pot
Add the fresh citrus and tulsil leaves optional add water allow to cook

/ Intro
I have seen other people of the world put fresh milk,black tea and any other herbs and spices they want to use in a pot and cook it all together at once this is good but there are 2 reasons why I can't do this

1. Our milk in Nigeria are not fresh, we use powder milk or canned
🥫 milk which has been beaten and battered during processing so therefore can't resist high heat

2. If I cook the fresh ginger and black tea at the same time the ginger will end up getting tint in the black tea making the tea to lose it's darkish colour, the tea will end up turning to a light tea instead of strong tea

You can see the difference

After it has boiled filter the fresh ginger, citrus and tulsil leave water (solution) add the black tea of choice into the boiled water I am using 3 different flavour tea ginger, lemon and lime and normal

Place back on the fire while it's cooking

Get your cup add your milk
🥛 and sweetener of your choice I am using what I called dates honey or dates syrup if you drink tea sweetened with dates honey, you will never want to drink tea with any other sweetener ever again

OK so after mixing the milk and sweetener set it aside
So when the tea is boiled pour it into the cup of milk and sweetener set aside and enjoy

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Amala Yagba Style


Elubo Isu (Yam flour)
Elubo Ege (casava flour)
Elubo Ogede (Plaintain flour )
Mix together


Agasa (Any Grain Flour)
As the base

When cook together
Yagba people call it eka

equal portions of elubo isu,  elubo ege & elubo ogede is grinded together
While any grain Flour of choice like corn flour, guinea corn flour, Millets, wheat etc can be use as the base
I am using wheat flour

Caution: Though the kind of grain use, will determine the outcome of the color and the consistency of the Amala


If you use yellow corn the amala will be yellowish in color

if you use red guine corn the amala will be fluffy soft and redish in color,

 if you use jero or doro the amala will get hard as soon as it cools down etc

Served with soup of choice

and enjoy
(Luru, orula and Zogele Soup)

God bless the spirit of our Ancestors

